Perhaps you are wondering about why I chose the name Sacred Healing Drum for this site. If you are, then read further and I will explain. I am a Spiritual Healer and the pure Source light works through me to perform miracles on those who are looking for a positive change in their life. What does that mean? It means that the energy of God, Universe, Spirit, Jesus channels through me to empower change in your life. It could be on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level.
I was searching for answers too when I was quite ill with a chronic autoimmune disease. My life seemed like an out of control train wreck. I was working in a very stressful corporate job and was a busy Mom and wife trying to keep the family organized, fed and running on schedule. On top of this I was tending to aging and ill parents who lived over four hours out of town. And because I was a superwoman (not!), I had to volunteer on the executive committees of two charitable organizations. There was no room in my life to understand, know or love who I was. The warning signals came from my body, and still I was determined to struggle on. Finally I could no longer ignore what was happening to me as my body refused to go no further. This was my physical body’s gift to my Spirit although I did not see it as that at the time. Soon I was unable to function…I could not work, volunteer, parent or live my life in the way that I had dreamed of. My life became an endless and disparaging cycle of doctor appointments, tests and prescriptions. However there was a happy outcome for me when I began to explore what else was out there.
When the conventional approach to my health did not appear to be working, I turned to natural or alternative healers. Through shamanic healing, naturopathy, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, biofeedback and so on I began to experience a positive change. My healing journey started with seeing a native medicine healer and I experienced a profound awakening to all aspects of my being. I had no idea what this was all about but my Spirit remembered.
Although some may see me as this, I make no claim to be a Shaman. And I am certainly not a medical doctor. However through my experiences and studies into this realm, I have discovered that powerful, life changing energies are channeled from Source through my drumming while working with others. My profound connection to upper world healers is through my drum. And thus I call my site Sacred Healing Drum.
I have studied other alternative modalities such as reflexology, reiki, body regeneration, aromatherapy and so on; however the foundation of what I do is my relationship with the pure Source energy and the transmitting of it through my drum. I promise that its not scary and its not voodoo. I only work with the highest energetic light available which is our God Source. When we pray, we tap into this beautiful loving energy that only wants for us to live abundant, joyful, fulfilling and healthy lives. That is the same Source of love and light that channels through my drum and my being to you. Just think of it as this. I am providing a connection for you, until you are able to awaken, reconnect and use this energetic cable of Source light yourself.
What do you feel is holding you back? Where do you want to see a shift in your life? Let the universe bestow you with what is naturally yours, what you are entitled to. Live the life of your dreams and awaken to WHO you are.